International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering

December 13-15, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand

About the Event


All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted and registered full papers will be published by ICIBE conference proceedings, which will be indexed Ei Compendex and Scopus.

Conference Program:

Day 1 - Dec. 13, 2024-Sign- in and Materials Collection

Day 2 - Dec. 14, 2024-Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speechespresentations

Day 3 - Dec. 15, 2024-Acdemic Tour and Walking Tour of the City (Optional)

Contact Us:

Conference Secretary: Ms. Janet Li

Email: [email protected]

Tel : +86-13648043904 (China)

The conference is classified with the following tags within our event index: Industrial Planning, Business Management


International Conference On Industrial And Business Engineering is organized by International Economics Development and Research Center .

Date and Location

International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering will take place in Bangkok, Thailand on December 13-15, 2024.

Venue Information

The conference will be held at the International Economics Development and Research Center Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand.


Attendance to the this conference is Offline.

For more information, you can click here to access to the event website.

Upcoming Editions

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Previous Editions

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