What is Event Index?


Event Index is an event database platform contributed by its users. Events listed on this website is provided by registered users. However, some events may be listed by site moderation on behalf of the organization based on the publicy available event information on their website.

Event Index is not an event organizer and is not affiliated with any organizer.

Event Index is a free of charge service for both public and event organizers. So, organizers can add their events to be listed without any price.

In future, we may offer paid memberships for organizer accounts to handle our expenses by giving them premium features.
In any case free membership will always be available.


Event Index aims to be a central place for users to find the events they are interested in.


Event Index's first goal is to become a consistent database and provide users correct and existing information. For this to become, there is a moderation on the decision for publishing the requested event listing. Moderation is only to check whether the data provided exists on the event website and intacts. There is no other examination about the events. So, as a participant it's your responsibility to check such event conditions and relevance to your interest. In addition, for common good, any contribution about the event listings like broken links or wrong content are welcomed.

There is an internet saying that "if something is free, 'you' are the product". We don't have this understanding. We do not and will not sell information. We will only serve information.